5:30 am
Form up for march (BHP Housing Office)
5:45 am
March steps off from BHP Housing Office
5:45 am
For those attending the service please arrive early to secure a car park and not impede those marching. No parking at the Shire offices please.
6:00 am
ANZAC Service commences (RSL Memorial, Shire Office Gardens)
8:00 am
Community Gunfire Breakfast (William Lynas Club, A Troop, 20 Laver Street)
10:00 am
A Troop and RSL will facilitate a social day of camaraderie with lunch, refreshments and the traditional two-up. Cadets will be cooking up a Sausage Sizzle fundraising lunch.
4:00 pm
William Lynas Club closes
A courtesy bus will be available on the day