RSL Newman Sub-Branch
powered by TidyHQ2021 ANZAC Day
2021 ANZAC Day
Newman RSL Sub-Branch are holding an ANZAC Day march and Dawn Service.
After a year of uncertanty where our last ANZAC Service was cancelled due to COVID-19, the Newman RSL is working to conduct the 2021 March and Dawn Service. As we are still in the grips of the pandemic we must follow the current rules concerning COVID social distancing and SafeWA registration.
The RSL Sub-Branch has set up ticketing for the events (Service & Gunfire Breakfast) and request those intending to participate regidter with Free tickets as our numbers are limited. SafeWA QR codes and manual registration sheets will be at each venue.
Ticketting links:
ANZAC Dawn Service 2021 | RSL Newman | TidyHQ
ANZAC Day Gunfire Breakfast 2021 | RSL Newman | TidyHQ
The Newman RSL Sub-Branch members wish to thank the following people and businesses for volunteering/donating time and resources to make our ANZAC Commemoration another memorable one. We also thank the wider community for supporting this important day in the Veteran calendar.
A-Troop The Pilbara Regiment,
Shire of East Pilbara,
WA Police, Fire & Rescue, St John Ambulance and SES,
Onsite Rentals for the lighting tower and toilets,
Eddy Blondell for sound at the service,
6NEW and "David Lee" for the radio promotions,
Angels Without Wings for our entertainment through the day,
Pilbara Catering (Tama),
Smart Mart (Marty),
Woolworths Newman,
Parwawarri Centre Management,
Centurion Transport,
Pilbara Cra & Truck Rentals for the courtesy bus,
Hillview Speedway,
Linda, Stephanie, Nicole & Lou (behind the bar), and
our generous raffle donators;
Newman Visitor Centre | CWC Lube Mechanical, |
Outback Angel - Deb & Phil, | Red Dirt Cleaning Service - Carol & Nev Knight |
Mia Mia, | Red Sands, |
Newman Hotel, | Cellarbrations, |
Entertainment Konnections, | Auto Pro, |
Pilbara Toyota, | Hart & Home, |
Newman Phamacy | Home Hardware |
The Place / Martu Farm | Dunnings Fuel - Newman |
Michael and Sharee at Red Sands for the fundraising Quiz Night
Tex for the two-up calls
Special thanks to Selena, Janice and Bob for their tireless fundraising efforts that add to the funds to make our Commemorations possible.